DJ Schedule
Happy new year! We hope you'll join us at our now-weekly dance in Berkeley!
Our primary location will be the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists. BFUU's Fellowship Hall is a big, beautiful studio that has held many dance events: 1924 Cedar Street, Berkeley, 94709. At BFUU, the dance will start at 7:30 (or so) and run until 10pm. The first half hour will be slower music for relaxing, stretching, and warming up. You may arrive whenever you wish.
Big news: We have lost our usual space (Finn Hall) for the third Friday of the month, so that week we will dance on Thursday instead.
Here's our DJ schedule and info:
We hope you will join us Friday, February 14, for another connected night of fun and self-expression at Freestyle Friday. Friday is Valentine's Day, and we think one great thing to do to add more love to the world is to dance in community, so join us at Freestyle Friday and lift your spirits at our dancing love-fest!
Please wear red or purple or pink if you can to add to the visual beauty of the night.
We will be at the lovely BFUU at 1924 Cedar Street, Berkeley, 94709. The hours are 7:30-10pm, starting with a half-hour warm-up.
Christina will be the DJ, and the theme, of course, is Love! Love of life, love of self, love of others, love of the earth...and yes, there will be chocolate!
A reminder: we strive to be a scent-free space since some of us are allergic to chemical/synthetic fragrances.
Entry is $15-25, but NOTAFLOF. Pay at the door or pre-pay:
Venmo: @Christina-tuccillo
We now have a donor who will cover the entry fee for five people each week. Let us know if you'd like to be part of that group this week or in the future, or let your friends know this is an option. It can be hard to ask for what we need when we are showing up at a dance, so we hope this will make it feel like an easier thing to do.
The info below is for Zoom dances, which are happening only occasionally now:
If you'd like to donate for our (almost) weekly dances, here's how:
Paypal or Zelle to or
Venmo @Christina-Tuccillo
Props we often use include: fun hats, light-weight scarves, stuffed animals, and a light you can hold or wear
Zoom dances are more fun when more folks have their cameras on, so please do! This is a community event, and we all need to contribute in some way to keeping up the vibe.
Message me ahead of time if you'd like to attend but I might not recognize your name. Otherwise I might not let you into the Zoom room (in order to avoid Zoom bombing). Thank you!
Each week I will post the Zoom link here and in our Facebook group about 15 minutes before the start of the dance.
Our usual format:
7:30 - Arrival -- you will start in a virtual "waiting room" and be allowed in, which is a Zoom feature to prevent Zoom bombing. (You may arrive at any time -- I'll let you in whenever you arrive.)
7:30 - 7:45 -- Warm-up dancing, with music increasing slightly in tempo and energy -- cameras off for fewer distractions, so we can really unwind
7:45 - 8:45 -- Uptempo music
8:45 - 9 -- Cool-down, slow music
9 - 9:15 -- Closing “circle” and chat for those who wish
If you'd like to donate, here's how:
Paypal to or
Venmo @Christina-Tuccillo
Our time zone is Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-7.
To join in, you need to have the (free) Zoom application on your device, but you do not need to sign up for a Zoom account or need to login to Zoom. If you don’t have Zoom installed on your device, and you try clicking the meeting link, it will prompt you to download or install Zoom right then. So ahead of time, it’s best to install it before the dance: .
(On computers, the application is called “Zoom Client for Meetings.” If you search for ZOOM in the app store, it will be called “ZOOM Cloud Meetings, Meet Happy.”)